Table of Contents

New and planned

This topic lists features that are planned to be released with Portal720 from April 2024. Delivery timelines may change, and planned functionality may not be released.

Planned Functionality

Feature Preview General availiablity
Tenant list ✅ Apr 2024 ✅ Apr 2024
Search Portal720 content ✅ Apr 2024 ✅ Apr 2024
Update Date ✅ Apr 2024 ✅ Apr 2024
Cadence behavior ✅ Apr 2024 ✅ Apr 2024

Updates and changelog for Portal720

For detailed changelog you will here see detailed feature updates and hotfix from our current releases.

All features are availiable for Free

Portal720 is free to use. The only prerequisite is that one ON720.COM APP installed per environment.