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Welcome to Portal720 Documentation

Portal720 is a web based application that provides you with a centralized overview of Business Central Environments. In addition to that, Portal720 presents features from the standard Microsoft tools when working with Business Central.

  • List Entras, Business Central environments and installed Apps
  • Create new Entra and Business Central environments
  • Add existing environments to Portal720
  • Reschedule updates
  • Update Cadence settings

Business Outcomes

  • Time savings. When having many customers, it can take a very long time to find and access a customer using the standard tools providede by Microsoft.
  • Easily find the environment on which a specific app is installed. Portal720 provides a central overview of the Update date for all of the Environments in the list.
  • The ability to change the update date from within Portal720 is more efficient than having to use the standard Microsoft tools.
Documentation articles
Portal720 is deployed when signing up as a partner. Getting started
Ready to learn more about Portal720 and how to use it? Business functionality
This article lists features planned for release, including any features scheduled or released. New and planned