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Business Functionality


Ready to learn more about Business720 and how to use it? Check out some of our resources, which include detailed documentation on documents and templates as well as many useful setup and user guides.

Get familiar with General basic features and functionalityBasic functionality
Get started with pre-defined configurationSetup and configuration
Understand how to manage and validate Master DataValidate data
See how easy it is to get financial insights with key figures and financial statementsFinancial insights

General basic functionality

The functionality in Business720 is supporting Master Data Creation and Maintaining:

  • Seach companies by name or VAT-registration number
  • Create customer or vendor directly from the company search
  • Validate and update master data
  • Display changes to master data

It is also possible to get financial insights shown directly on your customer- or vendor card. Financial statements and key successors is supported on companies with danish VAT-registration numbers.


Master Data from companies in Europe could be updated and validated automatically.


You shold know about the validate configuration of master data update in the setup.


It is very easy to get advantage of the process comming with Business720.

Scenario A (Search and create a customer)

  1. Create a new customer

  2. Choose to use Business720 for seaching

Business720 Create New Customer
  1. Search for the company
Business720 Search Customer by text
  1. Create the customer from the companylist.
Business720 Create New Customer
  1. Preview the customer before creating.
Business720 Create New Customer

Scenario B (Validate master data on existing vendor)

  1. Open Vendor card.

  2. Choose the validate button from the action bar.

Business720 Create New Customer
  1. Validate the changes
Business720 Create New Customer